Effortless GitHub issue navigation for developers.
Chat with repositories to quickly find relevant issues and pull requests. Get answers to your problems and discover existing solutions without the endless scrolling. Simplify your workflow and spend more time coding.
Quickly find what you're looking for
There are two products: A github search tool, and a bot that helps you as library maintainer to manage duplicate issues.
Mind-Reading Search Magic
Forget scrolling for hours. Just chat with your repo and BAM! The exact issue and fix you need drops in your lap faster than you can say 'debug'.
Duplicate Crusher 3000
Maintainer? GitIssues.Pro GitHub Bot got eagle eyes, making catching duplicate issues easy. Set it loose to tag, slam, or school users on their copy-paste game. No more deja vu in your issues!
Chrome Extension (coming soon)™️
Use the browser extension to get inline solution suggestion when browsing github issues, or quickly search for issues and pull requests.
Missing a feature?
I am all ears! Just reach out to help@gitissues.pro and let me know what you are missing.
The best GitHub Search Tool
See for yourself and evaluate using the free plan. If you want to index new repositories or search more, you can upgrade to the Pro plan.


You are ready?
Start a new chat on ChatGPT using the GitIssues.Pro GPT and find the answers you need.
Made with ❤️ in Vienna 🎡🇦🇹 by Hanno J. Gödecke.
Designed by Creative Designs Guru.
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